Monday, July 4, 2016

We Are Back!

As you can see, we have stopped updating this blog for a year.
And now, WE ARE BACK!

We are Malaysian Student's Association University of Saskatchewan.

First, we would like to introduce our new committee members for Year 2016-2017.
President: Eve Yi Han Tung (3rd year Agriculture Food and Bioproduct Science Student)
Secretary: Jerenne Yen Ling Tan (3rd Year Agriculture Crop Science Student)
Treasurer: Yan Ran Tang (3rd year Agriculture Food and Bioproduct Science Student)

Nickname of our committee member: PowerPuff Girl.

We are looking for new Malaysian student who study in UofS to join our committee member.
There are few positions available: Vice President, and Social Directors!

If you are a new student who will be studying in UofS incoming September, please do not hesitate to contact any of our committee member. We are willing to give you a hand.

Our first activity is Welcome Back BBQ, which will be held in September 2016.
The exact date and venue will be updated after August 27.

Please email us if you have any concern.

Best regards
Eve Yi Han Tung
President of MASA UofS

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Donation to charity

Hello dear friends, it's me again. This is my last post I promise haha(hopefully;p) 
Just wanted to notify you all that MASA has donated all the proceedings from MASA Bake Sales and some funding from MASA to the charity: 
This happened during finals thus my late updates!
Thank you all for showing tremendous amount of love and support to MASA 2014-2015 Term 1 and 2! I'm stepping down and we have high hopes for the new committee members!
Cheers and have a wonderful summer! 

Christine Schian Yee Limgrin emoticon

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Thank you people! =D

Dear all,

Today was the last event hosted by me and my lovely committee members, Angel, Serena, Jia Yun, and Mimi. It was definitely a blast and I hope u guys had enjoyed the activities that we carefully planned for all of you. It was so great to see everybody again and get to catch up with all of you before we all caught up with finals. 

A big congratulations to all the committee members for 2015-2016. I wish u all the best of luck for bringing MASA to a whole new level, not forgetting our main purpose of forming MASA, which is to build a tighter Malaysian Community here in Saskatoon and also work to promote the Malaysian cultures and values among the non-Malaysian members.

I am really fortunate to have my committee members who were absolutely helpful and staying with me till the end of the term, despite the busy schedule for school, work, and volunteering for MASA. U guys are the best! Thanks :') Also, I would also like to give thanks to Tim & Hannah, who were always willing to offer us their cozy home for events, and also Dan & Beata who always give us rides during the events. Thank you guys. Also, the non-committee members who assists us in every way they could, u guys have the heart of gold! And also I'd like to acknowledge people who supported us all the way till the end of the term. Thanks thanks and more thanks!!!

Last but not the least, good luck to everybody for your finals preparation/ work! We'll see each other in the coming MASA event!

Till then, take the greatest care !!! :)
Chritine Schian Yee Lim

The bowing out of the old members and the introduction of new ones :)

Hello everyone,

So this will officially be the last time I'll post something on this website. Being on the committee had it's up and downs, sometimes it felt like there were more downs than anything else but we all pulled through despite having some really rough times. Things didn't always go to plan, and the weather was not always in our favor. We started on a really rough start with the buses not running too but I'm happy with what we've achieved. All the hard work put in for the year paid off, or at least I think it did. I sincerely hope that everyone enjoyed attending the events that we've organized. I think all of us individually learned something valuable from being a part of the committee and now we hold an even greater respect to everyone who was on the committee in the past.

A huge thank you to everyone who has supported us throughout the year whether by volunteering to be the driver,allowing us to hold events at your house or by attending our events. We couldn't have succeeded in anything without all of you, so thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We hope to see you at the future events organized by the new MASA 2015-2016 committee.

Thank you for those who voted us as your committee members for 2014-2015 and having faith in us.

And now, for the new committee members of MASA 2015-2016 !!!

Advisor: Christine Schian Yee Lim
President: Sam Tan 
Vice President : Jia Yun Tan, Yan Ran Tang 
Treasurer: Kate Wong 
Secretary: Jerenne Yen Ling Tan 
Social Director: Naethan, Boon Hwee Tan

All the best in everything, you guys will be great, I know it :)

Signing off for officially the last time,
Mimi <3

MASA Bake Sales

March 16th, 2015 

Our 2nd last event for the MASA 2014-2015 committee. The MASA bake sales. 
Us committee members worked our butts off the whole Sunday to make some super yummy curry puff, seri muka, kuih ketayap and ondeh ondeh so we are super thankful to everyone who dropped by the Arts Tunnel to buy some. The support we had was amazing ! 

 The process of making curry puffs, ondeh ondeh and kuih ketayap. Thanks for everyone who helped us despite not being a committee members !!! We love you guys long time :)

Our booth in the Arts Tunnel. Also thanks to those who helped us with the posters for MASA

Thank you everyone for your support, I hope what we made was good ! 

MASA Chinese New Year Dinner

February 21st, 2015

The event that every Malaysian loves the most. The annual Chinese New Year dinner. Since so many of us are here away from family, this is also usually the time when we feel the most homesick, craving those delicious cookies and home cooked food.

This year, we decided to have the dinner at Miramar, a restaurant located in Market Mall in Saskatoon. The food was absolutely delicious and the atmosphere was very reminiscent of home due to the amount of noise we were making in the restaurant.

Thank you everyone for coming out for this event despite the freezing cold weather. It was great to see so many of you. especially those who have graduated. We had a total of over 40 people who attended so thank you thank you for making this event such a huge success.

After dinner, Tim and Hannah were so generous and invited us over to their house for some mahjong, snacks and games. In case you didn't realize, boys were severely outnumbered by us girls ;D

Melissa Wong was also kind enough to make her own Yee Sang which was amazing !! 

We also fried some nian gao because what is Chinese New Year without some :)

Thanks for showing up guys, can't wait for Chinese New Year next year !

Love loads :)

MASA Skiing Trip

February 15th, 2015

Hello, these updates are super late because I've been so busy with work.
Anyways, on February 15th we headed to Table Mountain at North Battleford. For some of us it was our first time skiing and snowboarding.
Thank you to Dan and Dr Awang for driving us there, if it weren't for the 2 of you there was no way this event could have happened.

Thank you to those who showed up for this event. My but was sore for a whole week but the experience was totally worth it.